Nail Nerds Unite!
A podcast for quirky and artistic nail techs to talk about everything about working in and out of the chair in your business. Listen in as we gather in community, share stories and advice, learn, laugh, and grow together while we build our thriving businesses and conquer our dreams!
Are you interested in being featured on the podcast or sponsoring an episode? Email us at admin@exclusivelynailsbyjessica.com
Nail Nerds Unite!
Episode 1: My Why
Hello! I'm so excited to kick off this podcast with a short solo first episode diving into my 'why'. Why would I choose to start a podcast, who is it for, and what on Earth are we going to be talking about??? I'm thrilled for you to join me on this journey as I build community in this industry we love so much, learn some amazing things, talk to some pretty incredible people, and of course give free license to be NERDY!